Monday, February 3, 2014


          So after 5 months of pregnancy I have hit my energy boost and I have decided this last week or so to use it to create routine for my life. So far it has been going pretty great which in turn has put me in one of the best moods for awhile now :). I have now created a pretty good routine for doing the dishes every night as well as folding laundry while I take it out the dryer. This prevents me from creating a giant clean laundry monster in the basket that eventually spreads across whatever room it is currently in. I know that seems so obvious but sometimes the most obvious things don't seem to just happen. I've also started figuring out a good system for making dinner!
         Now being Mrs. Sweeney comes with some serious shoes to fill when it comes to cooking. Unlike myself my husbands family is HUGE on cooking so in turn that is something that is expected of me. Oddly enough, coming from my family background, I managed to snag my husband due to cooking (not very well, but cooking just the same).  Tonight I am adjusting a previous recipe for chicken n' dumplings! Thanks to my wonderful sister I now have a crockpot, which there in itself has been a fun adventure.

         Now with this new routine I have been trying to create has come some new obstacles for learning to be Mrs. Sweeney. I have been doing extremely well (surprisingly so) at keeping the house continuously clean which has added a new challenge: how to gain my husbands help without nagging. Up until this point the house has generally stayed fairly dirty most of the time until I can't put it off anymore and clean it, or my husband gets so bored home alone that he cleans it. This system of ours has worked just fine to this point, but now its time to be grown ups and maintain cleanliness. Now I do the majority of the cleaning but while cleaning almost everyday now I've grown easily irritated whenever my husband leaves things out (ie. dirty cups, fast food trash, clothes etc.), I've found myself feeling a bit more like his mother than his wife. So this new challenge has got me trying to figure out: at what point do you cross the line from wife duties to mom duties? I've been trying to find the balance of this challenge.
        As wives we make sacrifices and take on certain maid like duties for our families. This is a role we choose when we get married, which I don't mind at all, but how do you figure out when your doing more than your share? Is there a point where it is more than your share alone or is it endless? Are we supposed to fill the position as our husbands mother when we get married? I wonder if I will ever really know. Until then I pray for wisdom in this current dilemma as well as peace to handle it the way I should. Just one more day in Learning how to be Mrs. Sweeney.

           Loving life,
                  -Mrs. Sweeney

Learning how to be Mrs. Sweeney

          Welcome to my simple married, pregnant, christian, life. Not much extremely exciting goes on in my life but learning to be Mrs. Sweeney is still something I will always be doing. So what exactly is being Mrs. Sweeney? Well I've been figuring that out for the last 2 years and 1 month. Being Mrs. Sweeney is not just about being married to Mr. Sweeney, but also being a wife, being a Christ follower, and soon being a mother. I think here recently I have really stepped into my roll as the wife as I prepare for the role as a mother. Up until this point I think I have been figuring out my role as a friend to my wonderful husband, learning what makes him happy and how to keep him that way. Now 2 years later I've really started to work on how to be his wife.
          I am very blessed that I've got to spend the last two years becoming a very close friend to my husband. I believe this friendship will be a great foundation for us and our future family as I step into my roll as a wife and mother. For me I feel as though being a friend to my husband first and learning how to understand him as a person will help me support him as his wife as he grows in Christ as a man, a father, and a husband.
        I've spent my whole life dreaming of being a wife and a mother and so far I've loved every minute of being a wife, especially sense I get to be the wife to the most amazing man that only God could have perfectly placed into my life. I've only recently had to start to shift into more of a wife role as we move forward in our lives and become parents. The beginning of our lives as one has been an amazing adventure so far. There have been some small bumps in the road with various small issues, but for the most part its been pretty carefree getting to be friends and married. We are now moving into a more serious time in our lives as we move into a bigger home and have bigger responsibilities. Dealing with these bigger issues has been a challenge but the strength with have in each other through Christ has been so amazing. I feel like I've accomplished things the last couple months I never thought I could. I know this strength only comes through God and the support he has placed in my life in the form of my husband. 
        I know I will always be feeling as though I could be doing better, comparing myself to people I see at church and on TV and in different forms of social media. I have always struggled with feeling as though I will never meet the standard I have put for myself based on these various examples of what is best. Here recently I have started to see myself becoming small amounts of what I thought I would never be able to be and here I plan to chronicle my journey of learning how to be Mrs. Sweeney.

         -Mrs. Sweeney