Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How do you revel in life while you live it?

I have recently been asking myself the question "how do you revel in your life while also living it"? As a working woman, wife, and mother there are both piles of stress and never-ending to do lists as well as moments that you wish you could freeze frame forever. How do you do it all? How can you be super woman and get everything done and still savor the moments that take your breath away?
As I sit here next to my precious napping angel, the smell of her hair, the look on her precious face I am avoiding the sound of the ominous washer buzz and the pile of who knows what on the "dining room" table. Being a super woman I can't help but feel the guilt of the things that are not getting done on my day off, but I also am fully aware that once I hit that pile of things to do that 2pm will turn into 8pm and my angel will be going to bed and I will be stuck wondering where my day, my free day, with my little one went. How do you find the balance? How do you stop them from becoming teenagers over night and still get stuff done?

This is one of the many things I have discovered while Being Mrs. Sweeney. I beginning to realize that life is a never ending choice between doing and enjoying. There really isn't a right choice. Some days we ignore the to do list and soak in the gut giggles, the messy grins, the bouncy first steps, all the things that can't truly be explained add have to be witnessed. Some days we conquer our piles of junk and errands and our husbands come home to clean houses and dinner on the table and we miss some of the giggles and jumbled words, but there is always tomorrow. Life does move on, time stands still for no one.

So here is to all the super woman out there getting it all done and sacrificing those moments, but let's remember sometimes it's ok to put down the cape pull out the frozen lasagna and sit on your butt in the middle of the floor and PLAY!

-Being Mrs. Sweeney.